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Sisyfus Obama

Obama krijgt waarschijnlijk zijn tweede termijn, maar met veel liefde zal het niet gaan. In plaats van de enthousiaste meute die in 2008 stond te popelen om de nieuwe belofte in het Witte Huis te krijgen, moet Obama vechten voor iedere stem. Daarna zal hij vier jaar lang in de loopgraven moeten doorbrengen om zijn hervormingen uit zijn eerste termijn veilig te stellen.

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What’s the plan, Obama?

Careful, wondering, happy, elated, satisfied, questioning, disappointed, confused, nervous, shocked, angry, furious. Never before has a US President created such a torrent of emotions among his (former) political supporters. But that is exactly what Obama has done. Since his inauguration, Obama has pushed away many of his closest allies in the electoral playing field. And so far, he isn’t showing his people how he intends to get them back into his fold.

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Only re-election can save Obama’s legacy

Obama’s signature reforms hang in the balance. To preserve them, re-election in 2012 is not merely an option: it is an obligation. If he wins re-election, he will gain the strongest possible ally in his quest to solidify his reforms, and thus his legacy: time.

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So, Democrats, what happened?

“Bailouts, AIG bonuses, stimulus, health care, cap and trade, taxes. All of the above. Bottom line, Obama and the Democrats inherited an anxious America. One that was willing to give the Democrats a shot at fixing things, but was terrified about the next shoes that could drop. And, in the end, what they saw from Congress was, well, more shoes. What they wanted was a vision for how this country was going to get back on track economically. And, despite talk from many top Democrats, including the president, that they just needed better messaging, it was the message itself that was the problem — not the fact that they didn’t sell it well enough.”

– Rick Klein in The Note

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COLUMN: Geheime inzet Nederlanders niets nieuws

Nederland kent veel openheid. Juist daarom gebeurt hier zoveel in het geheim. Zoals het inzetten van militairen.

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Hillary should remain a Senator

Hillary Clinton should not become Obama’s
Secretary of State, but should remain in the Senate instead, working to preserve unity among Democrats.

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Lurch to the left? No. A correction? Yes.

Republicans are astonished and, in some cases, sickened by the ‘lurch to the left’ that America made by voting for Barack Obama. To them, I say: don’t be silly.

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Don’t doubt the changed face of America

Let there be no doubt that on November 4, 2008, America changed. Let there be no doubt that the long march, started a woman on a bus, finally reached the finish line.

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Had enough? I have

Yes, the pic to the left indeed shows a bed. I dream of crashing on it and sleeping for days, if not weeks. I’m SO tired of this US election campaign – and I’m very glad that it’ll be over in a little over 36 hours. That’s also the reason why the site hasn’t been updated as often as you were probably used to by now. Sorry for that, but I simply cannot stand the election coverage anymore. However…

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Obama, the new Bill Clinton?

Barack Obama looks set to become the 44th president of the United States. With national and state polls being what they are, McCain can’t win. So it’s time to take a look at what an Obama presidency would be like — and more interestingly, whether such a presidency would truly be very different from Bill Clinton’s presidency. One thing Obama should watch out for, is not making the same mistakes Clinton made.