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Dagbladen zijn opportunistisch

Nederlandse dagbladen zijn ‘rechts’, en niet ‘links’. Dat concludeert een onderzoeksteam onder leiding van politicoloog André Krouwel, na zes maanden kranten doorploegen. Onzin, zegt de schrijver dezes na 5 seconden peinzen. De conclusie klopt niet. Kranten zijn gewoon opportunistisch.

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PvdA’ers in de loopgraven

Het is alle hens aan dek voor de PvdA. Want niet alleen blijkt de partij gespleten tussen sociaal-democraten aan de linker-, en sociaal-liberalen aan de rechterkant, er is nóg een scheiding: die tussen ‘gematigden’ en ‘radicalen’ jegens de islam en moslims in Nederland. Of Wouter Bos de elkaar kruisende loopgraven vredig met elkaar kan verbinden, is een zéér goede vraag. Waarschijnlijk niet.

Analyses Meningen Voorpagina

Marijnissen’s vertrek geen reden voor PvdA-feest

Dus Jan Marijnissen is politiek leider-af. Viert de PvdA nu feest? Ongetwijfeld flitste door menig PvdA-brein vandaag even iets van: “ha, dat scheelt!” Maar of de PvdA nu echt féést moet vieren… Waarschijnlijk heeft het weinig zin. Er zullen vele SP-kiezers zijn die liever tóch op de SP gaan stemmen de volgende keer, of kiezers zijn die helemaal niet gaan stemmen. Maar een werdegang terug naar de PvdA – daarvan zullen er maar weinig zijn.

Daarvoor zit de pijn te diep.

Analyses US elections Voorpagina

Objectivity is always the victim of competition. Go ask

Last week saw yet another victim of the war on two fronts that is coverage of political campaigning on one hand, and fighting off the competition on the other hand. The editor of, a new political news website that shot to prominence, admitted that he allowed an article put up on the site which completely mischaracterized a candidate. Just as the original writer at the newspaper, which is vehemently opposed to the candidate, had intended. Said article in the New York Post took one sentence completely out of context, in an apparent drive to damage the candidate.

Analyses Meningen US elections Verkiezingen Voorpagina

Rita Verdonk, de nieuwste koude kermis

Rita Verdonk’s opmars in de peilingen lijkt onstuitbaar. Dat zal ook wel even zo blijven. Haar partij zal mogelijk in een volgende regering stappen – en dan zal Trots op Nederland een enorme duikeling maken. Want ook Verdonk’s partij zal gaan hervormen, en de rekening daarvan moet hoe dan ook betaald.

Analyses Meningen Voorpagina

Wat te doen met die schoffies?

Ik weet dat er harde kernen van Marokkaanse jongeren bestaan die echt, absoluut niet meer te helpen zijn. Waarvan zelfs jongerenwerkers met 15 jaar ervaring ook niet meer weten wat ze met hen aan moeten.

Zij noemen zich geen Nederlander en alleen nog in naam Marokkaan – hoewel de meesten van hen trouwens Berber zijn. En dus proberen ze nu maar een eigen identiteit te vestigen. Een identiteit die hen flink de vernieling in helpt.

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The end of the system as we know it?

Not for the first time, and certainly not the last, the world is facing yet another economic downturn. Normally, this shouldn’t pose much of a problem. Economic downturns are harsh, they tend to hurt a lot of people, but as a general rule it also acts as a sort of weedcutter. It cuts out the bad weed that was ravaging your garden and led it into trouble in the first place.

But there’s a problem. For the first time, we are in danger of getting into something we can’t get out of because the reliable machinations don’t work anymore.

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Al-Maliki’s failed gambit has dire consequences


The past week, forces of the Iraqi Army moved into Basra in force. Directed there personally by prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, himself a Shiite Muslim, the forces were sent to break the back of the Mahdi Army, a militia led by Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. In what was a clear attempt by the national Iraqi government to regain control over Basra and the all-important oil distribution infrastructure, well-equipped but evidently poorly trained and ill-motivated Iraqi forces battled it out with a rag-tag, but well-equipped and highly motivated militia.

Then, today, after US forces came to the aid of the Iraqi Amry, Al-Sadr withdrew his militia from the Basra streets, on the condition that his militia is left alone and that imprisoned members of the Mahdi Army are released. Pundits in especially the United States, such as newspaper commentators who themselves have never set one foot in the Middle East, were quick to call Al-Sadr’s announcement a victory.

It was anything but; the worst is yet to come.

Analyses US elections

Bye, Hill. Hello John?

hill21.jpgHillary Clinton should give up. She has lost. As predicted on this website before she got into the situation she’s in now, she cannot win the nomination without causing an implosion of the Democratic Party. The ‘Nuttyroots’ have hijacked the party; they are die-hard Obama fans, if only because most of the nutters are young and completely blinded by their love for Obama. Never mind that he’s just as much a calculating pol as is Hillary. (Christopher Hitchens has a fantastic article about that here.)

But now there’s another problem for the Democratic Party. Hillary’s die-hard supporters won’t jump over to Obama’s ship that easily, either. The Clinton campaign has succeeded in showing who the True Barack Obama is: a calculating politician. Doh. Those who believe that any politician can get to where Obama is now without culling dozens on the political battlefield need to go back to school.

And because of that, John McCain will win. Unless Hillary withdraws now.

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Stupid American Voter

For all the criticism levelled at Team Clinton for her so-called harsh treatment of Team Obama, the latter should be happy and thankful for it.


Because Team Obama can learn a thing or two from the attacks, knowledge it will need during the general election.